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After so long we are returning back in making angle grinder hacks with the difference now that we are turning the angle wheel into a useful multi-tool. Using an easily adjustable construction, our angle grinder turns into a multi-tool. It is an affordable solution as buying a multi-tool is quite expensive.
The benefits that we get modifying it is that we are able to cut precisely the shapes of the materials which are in various angles on a wood, metal, plasterboard for placing the plugs, switches and many other things. Another advantage is that with this tool we can cut and rub objects something which was not applicable to be done by the angle grinder.
Therefore, choosing to use multiple accessories that are located on the multi-tool, the angle grinder is turned into an exceptional sander that is able to rub places with angles which would not be easily accessible to common sanders. Making a cam we transform the rotating motion of the angle grinder into a reciprocating motion copying the motion of the factory’s multi-tool. Regulating the speed of the angle grinder, we can control the regressions per minute from 6000-22000 increasing the performance and the usability of the tool.